
Automate your playbooks without intervention

With Rocketlane Automations, you can now reclaim your lost time and invest on work that actually moves the business needle: Whether it's nurturing customer relationships, optimizing processes, or finding new avenues for growth.

Custom workflows that fit your unique business needs

Build infinite workflows across projects, phases, tasks, and forms through the delivery lifecycle.

For projects with overlapping automation needs, save a specific rule and effortlessly incorporate it wherever needed.

Standardize your process governance

Skip the stress of digging through projects or hunting for warning signs. Simply outline what warrants attention, and then detail your course of action for each scenario.

Craft your own escalation matrix. Define who needs to be in the loop based on delay cycles, and notify your team on Slack or email to get projects back on track.

Optimize and streamline your operations

Ensure consistency across your business, be it enabling seamless check-ins, smooth hand-offs, or approval workflows.

Have a particular project that demands a distinctive approach? Maybe your enterprise implementations require a tailored touch. With Rocketlane’s template-level and project-level automations, you can do that and more.

Drive customer experience and accountability

Rocketlane Automations carries a promise of crafting a customer-centric project delivery.

Kick your onboarding off with a perfectly timed welcome email. Keep customers in the loop with notifications on email, Slack, or within a project.

And should they ever be a bit less than overjoyed, our real-time CSAT will notify you!

Out-of-the-box automations on Rocketlane

From the moment a project is created until its delivery, you can now automate your entire workflow. Rocketlane's out-of-the-box automations lets you streamline your workload and scale your teams.
Create once, reuse forever

Create templates for your projects, documents, forms, and tasks. Refine the templates based on past performances. Reuse them forever. Keep getting better with each onboarding.

Dynamic templates for dynamic needs

Losing hours crafting the customized project plan for every customer?  Our dynamic templates make it super easy to create bespoke project plans with zero effort!

Seamless CRM integration

Launch projects automatically once a deal is closed. Create automated workflows based on CRM fields, and push real-time project status and key information back to your CRM. Just point and click to configure.


Speed through the otherwise tedious process of filling in project information and creating status updates, forms, contracts, etc., from scratch.

Rocketlane is a leader in Client Onboarding on G2
Rocketlane is a leader in Client Onboarding on G2
Rocketlane is a leader in Professional Services Automation on G2

Category leader on G2


Ease of admin


Ease of use


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Move your service delivery into the fast lane

Deliver projects on time and on budget. Collaborate with your team, partners, and customers. Without scope creep, stress, or missed goals.