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How Locus is using Rocketlane to accelerate their execution time by 45%


increase in project execution time



Use case

Customer visibility, Project management, Reporting, Onboarding


  • Intensive manual work required for updating projects in spreadsheets.
  • Difficulty prioritising projects due to scattered information across tools.
  • Customers struggled to track and manage tasks due to lack of visibility.


  • Consistency in project execution with Slack integration and templated workflows, cutting project time by 25%
  • Significantly reduced manual work with streamlined updates and automated notifications
  • Enhanced project visibility for both team and customers through a centralized dashboard

Locus needed a solution that could:

  • Improve the overall speed and efficiency of their onboarding process
  • Provide their team and customers visibility into the status of onboarding projects
  • Hold every stakeholder accountable for their work

The Challenge

  • Prior to Rocketlane, the team at Locus were using spreadsheets to manage their onboarding and implementation projects. Keeping all their projects updated on spreadsheets demanded a lot of manual work from their team.
  • The spreadsheets-based workflow also made it harder for their team to figure out which projects needed their attention the most.
  • Project-related information was scattered across multiple tools. This made it difficult for project leaders to get real-time visibility on project and task status.
  • Locus’ customers found it challenging to keep track of work assigned to them - customers were often unaware of the tasks pending on their end.

The Solution

The Rocketlane team was extremely flexible to work with. We loved the agility shown by them in picking up all our requirements and embedding them into the product in no time. Rocketlane has helped us make onboarding seamless for all our customers.

  • With Rocketlane, Locus eliminated a lot of the manual work involved in their spreadsheets-based onboarding workflow. Instead of manually making changes to multiple spreadsheets, they could now update the progress and status of each task with a few clicks. And project owners were automatically notified when anyone made changes. This made the onboarding process at Locus much more efficient.
  • Projects, phases, and tasks were neatly presented in Rocketlane. With just a quick glance at the dashboard, anyone on the Locus team could know the status of a project, the delays, and their causes.
  • Private and shared spaces on Rocketlane allow the Locus team to easily keep their internal tasks private, without worrying about customers seeing anything confidential.
  • Rocketlane’s Customer Portal made life easy for Locus’ customers by giving them a central location to track and update tasks assigned to them. Their customers are now aware of every pending task and the progress made. Customers are able to have all conversations with the Locus team from within the portal itself. This way even minor requests are easily addressed and nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Since Rocketlane’s Slack integration pushes project updates directly to their customers’ Slack workspace, accountability is no longer a concern for Locus.
  • Locus has brought more consistency to their project execution thanks to Rocketlane’s project templates. They’ve set up templates with all the project phases and tasks involved in an onboarding project based on the types of customers they serve. This alone has reduced their overall project execution time by 25%.