How Mixmax moved from Salesforce to Rocketlane to supercharge their implementations



Use case

Customer visibility, Project management, Reporting, Implementations


  • Salesforce was clunky for implementation, disliked by CSMs, and unfit for customer presentation
  • Manual, time-consuming project setup and management led to inefficiencies
  • Customers lacked visibility into onboarding status, hindering transparency and communication


  • Automatic project generation from Salesforce data streamlined processes and improved efficiency
  • Customer-facing portal enhanced customer transparency and accountability
  • Reporting features allowed for better performance tracking and actionable insights

Mixmax, a leading sales engagement platform, boosts sales teams' productivity and ensures effective engagement with prospects and customers.

Elliott Kohtz, the VP of Customer Success at Mixmax, brings nearly a decade of experience in leading Customer Success teams within the B2B SaaS industry. His expertise focuses on onboarding, upselling, and maintaining high customer retention and renewal rates. He has been a key driver in implementing Rocketlane to address 3 key objectives:

  • Replacing Salesforce for their implementation projects
  • Speeding up their setup and project creation time
  • Offering transparency to their customers

The Challenge

Salesforce: Not ideal for customer implementations

Before Rocketlane, Mixmax utilized Salesforce for implementation processes, which was cumbersome and unpopular among Customer Success Managers (CSMs), lacking the professionalism and intuitive interface that customers appreciated.

Tedious project creation process

The project creation and setup process at Mixmax was time-consuming and manual, leading to inefficiencies and delays in their implementation team's workflow.

Lack of transparency with customers

Mixmax faced challenges with customer visibility, as there were no means for customers to track and monitor the status of their onboarding projects. This lack of transparency and inadequate reporting capabilities hindered effective communication and data-driven decision-making.

The Solution

“Implementing Rocketlane at Mixmax has transformed our implementation and onboarding processes. We've moved from a cumbersome system to a sleek platform that our internal teams enjoy using, while enhancing transparency and offering an intuitive experience for our customers,” states Elliott Kohtz, VP of Customer Success.

Enhanced accountability

Rocketlane has significantly improved internal team accountability, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and with precision. This change has fostered a culture of responsibility and efficiency within the team.

Increased customer interactions

Mixmax's introduction of a customer-facing portal has significantly deepened client interactions. The portal has been a key factor in improving the overall process by enabling more effective communication and smoother onboarding experiences.

Enhanced insights through reporting

The reporting capabilities of Rocketlane, particularly the aggregated Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, are highly valued at Mixmax. These features have provided essential insights into their performance, facilitating data-driven improvements.

Mixmax's Rocketlane Playbook

Streamlined and automated project creation
Rocketlane's integration with Salesforce allows for the automatic generation of projects from closed-won data, streamlining the initiation and tracking of new projects, and significantly reducing manual effort.

Improved communication and planning with customer-facing portal
Implementing the customer-facing portal at Mixmax has been crucial for sharing onboarding plans and timelines transparently. This approach ensures that all parties involved are well-informed and aligned throughout the onboarding process.