Virtual Agenda

22 & 23 May 2024
Day 1
May 22nd, Wednesday
09:00 am
Welcome Note
Welcome note
15 mins

Join us as we kick off our event with a warm welcome from the host, setting the stage for an exploration into the art of 'productizing your services.' Get ready to dive into discussions and insights on transforming your service offerings into scalable, value-driven solutions.

09:15 am
Empowering growth: Unleashing the potential of your service expertise
30 mins

Join our empowering session on transforming your service expertise into a growth catalyst. Based on TSIA's research, discover key steps to develop value-driven offerings, led by Hal Stanley. Gain tactical insights on refining your service portfolio, navigating change management, and leveraging technology strategically. You'll get actionable ideas to increase your: 1. Services revenue 2. Recurring agreements 3. Premium service sales

09:45 am
Shared beliefs: The ultimate onboarding destination
30 mins

Discover the crucial process impacting new business relationships. Onboarding goes beyond software installation and training; it's about shaping beliefs. Explore how your clients' perceptions during onboarding influence future decisions and learn how to influence them effectively. We’ll explore: 1. How multiple buying influencers expect, experience, and remember value 2. How CSMs and CS leaders can implement simple changes that create strong beliefs during the onboarding process 3. How earned trust increases the likelihood accounts renew and expand

10:15 am
3 Truth-seeking questions to drive alignment during every implementation
30 mins

Despite the common claim of companies listening to customers, B2B clients often rate vendors poorly in listening and discovery, despite these being critical factors in their purchasing decisions. The good news is that during implementation, there's an opportunity to truly understand clients' needs. Join an engaging session where you'll learn Bob's truth-seeking questions, deep listening techniques (dubbed "$TFU"), and templates to elevate your client conversations strategically.

10:45 am
UX of delivery: What it means, why should it matter to PS?
30 mins

The UX of Delivery is a critical aspect of success for PS organizations, impacting client satisfaction, reputation, employee engagement, and competitiveness. By prioritizing client-centricity, continuous improvement, and innovation, PS organizations can elevate the overall client experience, drive business growth, and thrive in today's competitive landscape.

11:15 am
15 mins

11:30 am
Pricing for pro serv profitability
30 mins

Unlock the secrets to maximizing profitability in professional services with our session on 'Pricing for Pro Serv Profitability.' Delve into proven strategies and industry insights to optimize your pricing strategies and drive sustainable growth in your service offerings.

12:00 pm
Sprinting to success: Implementing scrum methodology for seamless customer onboarding
30 mins

Don't miss our session on transforming your customer onboarding with Scrum methodology! Led by Jasmine, an expert Customer Success Manager, discover how Scrum principles can streamline processes, boost efficiency, and enhance satisfaction. Learn to break down onboarding into sprints, prioritize tasks, and foster team collaboration. Gain practical insights and real-world examples to accelerate time-to-value and delight customers. Whether new to Scrum or seeking improvement, this session offers actionable strategies to elevate your onboarding efforts. Sprint towards success in customer onboarding with us!

12:30 pm
What's behind the smoke: The First Value Advantage
30 mins

Learn how to build a customer onboarding strategy and engagement plan based on joint deliverables for both the customer and the vendor. Key Points: - Learn how to lock in what the customer needs and what you want - Planning for 30,60 and 90 days to first value attainment - Organic Success Stories that originate from hitting first value

1:00 pm
30 mins

01:30 pm
Leveraging resource management as a strategic vehicle to scale
30 mins

Discover how resource management drives growth and scalability in today's dynamic services landscape. Explore innovative approaches to boost efficiency, productivity, and profitability in service teams. Gain practical strategies for organizational scalability and competitiveness. Whether expanding your PS footprint or aiming for sustained growth, this session offers valuable insights and tools for success. Key Takeaways – 1. The importance of resource management as a catalyst for scalability in PSOs. 2. The need to invest in the capability to characterize resource supply and manage resource demand 3. The role and importance of process, data, and technology to automate resource management processes

02:00 pm
AI Chronicles
AI and human: The intersection for better resource planning, staffing, and retaining talent
30 mins

Explore the dynamic interplay between AI and human expertise in resource planning, staffing, and talent retention. Delve into how AI augments human decision-making, streamlines resource allocation, and enhances talent retention strategies. Gain insights into leveraging this intersection to optimize workforce management and drive organizational success. Join us to discover innovative approaches at the forefront of AI-human collaboration in resource management.

02:00 pm
War Room Stories
Navigating services journey: From Onboarding to PS
30 mins

Embark on a journey of transformation with the 'Freshworks Professional Services' team. Discover how our evolution led to the creation of an Onboarding team, the integration of implementation into our offering, and the introduction of professional services into our post-sale function. Takeaways: 1. Navigating change - people, process, technology 2. How process maturity comes in incrementally 3. Reflection of our metrics from onboarding to PS

02:30 pm
War Room Stories
Scaling without compromising: Blending digital and human touchpoints
30 mins

Join us for an insightful session as we delve into the lessons learned while scaling the customer onboarding function at MongoDB. Discover key strategies, challenges, and successes encountered during this journey of growth. Gain valuable insights and practical tips for effectively scaling your own customer onboarding operations.

02:30 pm
AI Chronicles
Customer education in the age of AI
30 mins

What are the scale engines to customer success?? Those teams that can deliver the one-to-many experiences. That's customer education and customer marketing. Join Kristine Kukich, co-host of Mixology (on YouTube), and principal owner at the Training Sherpa, as she discusses customer education and augmented intelligence as tools to level up your content. This session will focus on: * defining customer education * how to utilize AI to build customer education in the age of smaller teams * what tools are available to be successful

03:00 pm
War Room Stories
Rallying your internal stakeholders and getting their buy-in for your BIG initiative
30 mins

Launching a big initiative requires much more than just a good idea & a snappy title - it demands the alignment and support of internal stakeholders who play key roles in the success of these projects! In this session, we'll dive into strategies and insights aimed at achieving buy-in from your internal stakeholders, including: - Understanding stakeholder dynamics - Crafting a compelling story - Leveraging data & evidence - Managing resistance & obstacles - Celebrating success

03:00 pm
AI Chronicles
Elevating customer relationships in the age of AI and automation
30 mins

Establishing trust with customers is essential for fostering robust relationships. In this session, explore practical techniques and real-world examples for cultivating trust, such as connecting with new executive stakeholders and rebuilding trust after unmet expectations. Discover how AI can expedite relationship-building efforts. Attendees will gain three key insights: 1. Relationship Criteria: Identifying the pillars of a robust relationship. 2. Engagement Strategy: Crafting a blend of technology and personal interaction to enhance customer engagement. 3. Case Studies: Transforming detractors into advocates through real-world examples.

03:30 pm
15 mins

03:45 pm
Selling, retention, and renewals of service offerings
30 mins

A world class services organization goes beyond selling and delivering customer onboarding's. Those that truly thrive are seen as trusted advisors both for Customers and for internal partners across sales, product and customer teams. In this session we will focus on key aspects of developing and selling services products to deliver customer value results along with how to align with sales and renewal teams to optimize recurring revenue outcomes.

04:15 pm
Governance and QC for enterprise deployments
30 mins

The session provides attendees with valuable insights and actionable strategies for establishing effective governance frameworks and implementing rigorous QC processes to drive successful enterprise deployments. By prioritizing governance and QC, organizations can minimize risks, optimize performance, and achieve superior outcomes in their enterprise initiatives.

04:45 pm
Closing Note
Closing of day one
15 mins

As we reflect on the enlightening discussions and valuable insights shared on day one, we're invigorated to elevate our journey on day two. Join us as we build upon today’s learnings and delve deeper into key topics discussed.

Day 2
May 23rd, Thursday

09:00 am
Welcome Note
Propel in action: day two
15 mins

Get ready to ignite your inspiration, expand your knowledge, and seize new opportunities as we embark on another day of empowerment and innovation.

09:15 am
Navigating the Future of Customer Onboarding
45 mins

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, customer onboarding stands at the forefront of business success. Don't miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights and strategies from Customer Onboarding Expert, Donna Weber, to propel your onboarding initiatives to new heights in 2024 and beyond. This valuable session enables you to: - Break down complex implementations into management stages to accelerate time to value - Avoid the "first value cliff" by delivering a value journey - Embrace the power of digital technologies to drive customer adoption and engagement - Elevate customer-facing teams to deliver meaningful value to customers - Explore the benefits of premium onboarding services in delivering exceptional value and differentiation

10:00 am
Enabling high impact partner ecosystems
30 mins

From fostering strategic alliances to leveraging innovative technologies, we'll explore actionable strategies and best practices for maximizing the potential of your partner network. Join us as we delve into real-world case studies, insightful discussions, and practical tips to empower your organization to thrive within dynamic partner ecosystems.

10:30 am
Lost in translation: Overcoming noise through performance KPIs
45 mins

Join us as we discuss best practices for designing intuitive and actionable dashboards that empower decision-making and drive performance improvement. Don't get lost in translation – discover how to harness the full potential of your performance data.

11:30 am
Proactive vs. Reactive: How modern PS teams leverage data to their advantage
30 mins

When it comes to working with clients, consulting and professional services personnel are all about playing offense. Staying ahead of risks and issues. Managing clients. Delivering on commitments. It takes time, focus – and a good deal of proactivity. If you stay on defense, you’ll be behind the curve all the time. Yet - all too often - in managing our own PS practices - we look in the rear-view mirror at historical metrics to see how we have performed. In this session, Mark Sloan, Managing Director of Asaph Advisors, will discuss three key steps that PS execs can take to go on offense - and manage their business more proactively.

11:15 am
15 mins

12:00 pm
From service to solution: Leveraging product thinking in professional services
30 mins

The topic explores the advantages of adopting a product mindset when delivering professional services. By treating services as products, businesses can enhance their offerings, improve client satisfaction, and drive innovation. We will also look at some practical simple steps we can take to implement this thinking.

12:30 pm
Allowing customer results to drive your onboarding strategy
30 mins

Join Kristi Faltorusso, Chief Customer Officer at ClientSuccess, as she puts results back at the center of onboarding and implementation. For too long, companies have designed Onboarding programs that scaled and felt repeatable, but they rarely, if at all, allowed for a results lead design to ensure success. In this session Kristi will share how she has designed a customer objectives flexible model to drive results.

01:00 pm
30 mins

01:30 pm
Poor Adoption? Not Enough Upsell? ⏩ The 3 Data Mistakes That are Slowly 'Killing' Your Business!
30 mins

Join Irit Eizips, a renowned customer success strategist, as she uncovers the three critical data mistakes that can derail your onboarding and implementation efforts. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls and leverage data effectively to optimize customer engagement and drive long-term success. Don't miss this opportunity to lay a strong foundation for your customer journey and unlock new growth opportunities.

02:00 pm
Client Experience
How PS can work with CS to improve the customer journey
30 mins

Join us for an engaging discussion on "How PS can work with CS to improve the Customer Journey," focusing on collaboration between Professional Services and Customer Success teams. Explore practical strategies and insights to enhance the customer experience, celebrate achievements, and address common challenges. Learn how to foster a collaborative culture within your organization and implement effective collaboration strategies. Discover the importance of regular review and evaluation in optimizing the customer journey. This session offers valuable insights for professionals seeking to enhance customer-centric practices.

02:00 pm
Setting customers up for success in implementation using the customer result strategy method
45 mins

Data shows that, by far, the biggest predictor of customer retention is whether they achieve measurable results against their key business objectives. The customers who achieve the best results are those who change how they work to take advantage of how your solution produces benefits. Therefore, the most important thing we can do to set our customers up for success is to identify their key results, drive the behaviors essential for results, and measure their progress. In this session, I'll teach you the power of the Customer Results Strategy and how to implement it in your own customer practice or with your entire team!

02:30 pm
Client Experience
Deriving business value is a journey - it doesn't have to be a long and winding one
30 mins

As with a house that should be built to stand one hundred years, enabling customers so they can accelerate to value needs to start with establishing the right foundation. That means onboarding/implementation is the most critical phase in the customer journey. In fact, done properly, it can make the journey more of a sprint instead of the odyssey it often meanders into.

03:00 pm
Client Experience
Customer is King, How to keep the King pleased in 2024
30 mins

In 2024, prioritizing client experience remains paramount as "Customer is King." Keeping the King pleased requires a holistic approach. Firstly, personalized interactions through AI-driven systems and human touchpoints ensure tailored solutions. Secondly, seamless omnichannel experiences empower clients to engage effortlessly across platforms. Thirdly, proactive communication anticipates needs and resolves issues swiftly, enhancing satisfaction. Moreover, leveraging data analytics to understand preferences and behavior aids in crafting bespoke experiences.

02:45 pm
Productizing, packaging, and pricing your implementation & professional services
45 mins

Whether you're already charging for your post sales services and want to "kick the tires" on it-- or considering how to do implement it for the first time-- this workshop will walk you through the strategies and steps of productizing, packaging, and pricing your offering.

03:30 pm
15 mins

03:45 pm
Fireside Chat
A dialogue on the journey and future of emerging Professional Services
30 mins

We'll explore the theme of Experimentation & Future Emerging Professional Services, delving into key strategies, measurements, and the transformative role of AI. Key Audience Takeaways: 1. Regardless of company size or specialty, number of common strategies to effectively experiment with and measure professional services strategies 2. What and how to measure PS impact and success 3. AI is already beginning to transform PS; ideas for leveraging and incorporate AI into your PS strategies today and tomorrow 4. What to think about for 2025

04:15 pm
You can't win revenue at onboarding...but you can lose it
30 mins

Onboarding is the most critical stage of the customer lifecycle in terms of renewal, and expansion. Although we can't secure and win renewal within onboarding, we can certainly lose it. In this talk, Aaron will go through 5 unique revenue streams, and how each are either positively, or negatively, affected by onboarding and the professional services associated.

04:45 pm
Closing Note
Closing Note
15 mins