
Mark Sloan

Managing Director, Asaph Advisors


May 23rd. Thursday

May 23rd. Thursday

11:30 am
Proactive vs. Reactive: How modern PS teams leverage data to their advantage
30 mins

When it comes to working with clients, consulting and professional services personnel are all about playing offense. Staying ahead of risks and issues. Managing clients. Delivering on commitments. It takes time, focus – and a good deal of proactivity. If you stay on defense, you’ll be behind the curve all the time. Yet - all too often - in managing our own PS practices - we look in the rear-view mirror at historical metrics to see how we have performed. In this session, Mark Sloan, Managing Director of Asaph Advisors, will discuss three key steps that PS execs can take to go on offense - and manage their business more proactively.